Material: High 1095 Carbon Steel
Hand forged
Kit includes:
Large Steel striker 4" x 1.5"
2 Stones
Natural Jute
5 pc wax jute
5 pieces wax plugs
1 tin box 4.5" x 3.5" inches
How to use the Flint & Steel Striker
Technique is very important.
Take your flint and striker and basically you are shaving metal out of the striker. As the shavings come out, they combust into the air and that’s when you get the sparks. You need a sharp edge of the flint because you need to remove material from the striker.
Next, take your dominant hand and hold your striker firm. The striker should not move around. In your non-dominant hand hold your rock and the sharp edge and hold it at 45 degrees into the air and that’s going to cut the material off the striker.
When you strike, YOU are not going to hit into the rock and you are not coming straight dawn, you are sliding, rocking, swinging motion the material out the striker, so you don’t need to hit to hard and break your stone.
The key is to have a sharp edge on the stone and swinging motion technique.